23 August 2013

congrats exo


Congrats EXO for this 5th winning on the music show. You guys really deserved this. For babys, please don't get hurt. Maybe, this is not the right time to BAP win. Who knows later, BAP will win many awards? Congrats to BAP because of their great songs and please no more hates between exostans and babys. No more hurtfull comments to each other fandoms. Live happily and supports our oppars. Adios.

12 August 2013

pls understand me

Hey, happy eid mubarak btw. I know I'm late, I'm sorry if I ever did things that hurt you hearts. I'm very sorry. Well this post tak berkaitan raya pun tbh. Aku just, yeah aku just nak minta manusia-manusia yang kenal aku tu, faham aku. That is it. Well, baru-baru ni ada yang cakap aku cocky as the king of spades. WELL SHIT YEAH AKU MEMANG SUSAH NAK SENYUM SO BEAR WITH IT PLS. DON'T JUDGE ME BEFORE YOU TALK TO ME. BE FRIEND WITH ME AND LET'S FANGIRL OVER TWELVE HANDSOME WOLVES ALL TOGETHER TILL WE DIE. LIKE- OK I'M NOT A COCKY GIRL AFTER YOU KNOW ME WELLLLLLLLLL.

That's why masa tu buat group than cakap pasal ada orang cakap aku sombong and all of my friends  were like-
"Ada yang cakap Nurin sombong? //points to me// Are you kidding me??"
"Eh takdenya sombong. Mengarut je."

SO JOM JADI KAWAN LA AND THEN WE WILL BE A GROUP OF RETARDED SEALS. I mean- aku memang banyak mulut depan kawan-kawan aku yang rapat and I admit that aku memang susah nak senyum. Well- that is my way aaaa. Aku memang susah untuk didekati dan mendekati orang yang aku tak berapa rapat. Aku juga seorang yang awkward- yeah. Dalam alam maya aku awkward, apatah lagi face to face? And kalau aku kenal orang tu, tapi aku tak tegur tu bukan sebab aku sombong. Probably bc aku tak ada idea and topik untuk dibualkan. Aku harap, stop fikir negetif pasal aku sebelum korang kenal aku. Aku bukan nak cakap aku baik, tapi just jangan main tunjuk dengan jari telujuk korang. Don't judge other people, I mean.